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We are 3 and we named ourselves as “The Daniels”.The Big D – Daniel Jacob, The Associate D – Preethi Daniel and our little combo – Nerthi Daniel.Nerthi means Beautiful & Perfect.

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Beautiful & Perfect.
A Stillborn is Still Born

A Stillborn is Still Born

“It takes a village to raise a child”.. If this is right, it certainly has to take a village to comfort a mother who Miscarried, a mother who had a Stillbirth and a mother who is in and through Postpartum.

Motherhood doesn’t fade away from her, just because she miscarried. Remember! She’d terribly miss the life she once carried, she’d miss the moment to see her bundle of joy evolve to its fullness, she’d miss to see the two lines manifest in physicality. She may have missed to mother a cute little baby, but she mothers a ‘Beautiful & Perfect’ Angel.

Motherhood can never be snatched from a grieving mother, just because she delivered a stillborn, Remember! Her love might be Stillborn but is still Born, still loved, still missed, still remembered and is still ‘Beautiful & Perfect’ in the hearts of a loving mother.

Motherhood can never be incapacitated, just because many don’t understand what a mother goes through in her Postpartum. Remember! She just woke up searching for her old self in silence, feeling hopeless of finding herself and utterly exhausted because she was told very less of who she would become in the physical, besides the ‘Beautiful & Perfect’ experience of birthing life to this world.

In all these, it is simply ones act of empathy, love, kindness and encouragement that is most needed to ease the pain of such ‘Beautiful & Perfect’ People.

All they seek is room for authentic connection rather than one’s own feelings, beliefs and thoughts being forced on them.

A heart to understand and feel the grief of not being in a position to see the beautiful rainbow that she was expecting, is really the biggest & warmest support one can extend to unload the heaviness that she carries.

She doesn’t expect anyone to say a perfect thing that would ease her pain, but simply say her something that recognizes her pain and hardship that floored her.

You will never know that, this very simple act of you will be the best deed to make her feel shouldered & supported to lead a Journey towards Healing.

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The Love Doctor
The Love Doctor
4 years ago

Beautifully expressed the emotional phase, though can’t experience the same bodily but can to an extent and repect and always respect the motherhood. I personally felt it’s aleays next to God coz they give life to beautiful things…

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago

Thank you so much Anna

Stephina Evangelene
Stephina Evangelene
4 years ago

Beautifully expressed ?

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago

Thank you very much Stephina

Crystal Daniel
Crystal Daniel
4 years ago

Wonderfully unveiled the sorrow behind her… Just carrying or delivering babies cannot make a woman a ‘mother.’ Being a mother is the heart she carries for others, it’s not gained by ‘carrying’ but by ‘caring.’

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Crystal Daniel

Thanks a lot Crystal Akka. Rightly Said Akka ❤️

4 years ago


Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  AliciaKiran

Thank you Alicia

Amudha Durai
Amudha Durai
4 years ago

Beautifully written Sheeba .Reading it brought a lot of emotions. Really can relate to the pain the mother undergoes. Keep writing more..

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Amudha Durai

Thank you very much Amutha Akka for your motivating words ?

4 years ago

Beautifull articulations. Hats off to your thoughts.

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Kowsalya.B

Thank you very much Sis ?

Stella Sherpa
Stella Sherpa
4 years ago

Beautiful and powerful emotion. Motherhood is very meaningful and something that we anticipate and weave. And when that dreams are somehow not turning as it was created, becomes a frustration within us. It’s very emotional and the whole thing surrounded in the love that a mother has for her little but full joy. It also makes us realise the yearning of a baby by a mother who would be anything and do anything just to see her…
Just too beautiful mam.

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Stella Sherpa

Very true Stella Sherpa Sis… Yes very true, it’s a indescribable emotional for sure ?

4 years ago

Amazing articulation of words ma.. only you can play with phrase like this… ?? Love and love only for N2D❣️❣️


Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Sandhiya

Thank you very much Kutty Girl ❤️❤️

4 years ago

Beautiful expression! Thank you for the insight in how to minister to mothers that experience that.

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Lynda

Thank you Lynda for dropping in with your kind words of encouragement ❤️

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About Me
We are 3 and we named ourselves as “The Daniels”.The Big D – Daniel Jacob, The Associate D – Preethi Daniel and our little combo – Nerthi Daniel.Nerthi means Beautiful & Perfect.

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