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We are 3 and we named ourselves as “The Daniels”.The Big D – Daniel Jacob, The Associate D – Preethi Daniel and our little combo – Nerthi Daniel.Nerthi means Beautiful & Perfect.

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Beautiful & Perfect.
A Tale of 1000 Days

A Tale of 1000 Days

Little did we realize that a huge chunk of Joy had been missing in our lives, until we were graciously blessed with our loving daughter “Nerthi”?❤️

An Ocean of Love, a Fountain of Joy, a Plethora of Positive Energy, a River of Abundance is something very least that I could say, to describe about our darling girl.

Heavenly blessings knocked us in the disguise of “Her” and behold ‘tis 1000 days since she blossomed into our world.

Nerthi is an answer to those countless prayers uttered for us, immeasurable hopeful words of blessings spoken over us and manifestation of God’s super deep love towards us.

She emerged as a Sunshine of Hope and filled us with Tears of Unspeakable Joy and the mix of both was our Beautiful & Perfect Rainbow that reminds us of God’s unfailing covenant promise marked exclusively for us.

Not just once, innumerable times her tight hugs and kisses had relieved me of some of my indescribable heaviness. Despite her hectic unplanned play time, her beautiful caring eyes never failed to hover over me.

When my tired eyelids refuse to welcome the dawn, pleading for some more time, she generously approves it with her angelic heart. When my hand searches for her drowsily, she lends her tiny little hands to assure me that she is right there beside me and I can take some more time.

And her most Beautiful & Perfect smile that waits to welcome my brand new day has been the greatest assurance of God’s unfathomable love for me.

Nerthi’s most fascinating toy and the greatest saviour she has ever known is her ‘Daddy’. She can jump from any heights with no speck of doubt about her Super Hero’s hands reaching out to her, her punching bag that never returns to hit her back instead returns to dandle her with great love, her cuddles never go waste from the warmth that she receives in exchange and what not.

Her most favorite Peppa Pig can wait forever & can even be forgotten sooner she senses that mildest ‘Ssssss’ of her Dad’s car.

That warm welcome scream only has the power to pull her dad from his mind that keeps rattling with ideas of changing the world.

Next in line is the family hug that happens by default, the moment her dad enters the room.
Those family-hugs that twine the three of us together are truly a delight and her little arms that go around our neck are the best garlands that we as parents have ever been honored with. ?

She is her Granny’s most awaited arrival and the best play mate for both her grandpas’.

Her ‘Sorry Mommy’ ‘Thank You Mommy’ ‘ It’s okay Mommy” “You are welcome Mommy’ ‘what happened Mommy’ ‘Don’t Worry Mommy’ ‘What are you doing Mommy’ ‘Sit here Mommy’ ‘ Let’s Play Mommy’ are those cutest phrases that will never fade off from my heart even in my 100s.

She taught me so much more than what I knew about LOVE. She walked me miles than what I thought I could ever do. She showed me how to forget pain and smile instantaneously when you focus on something else.

Nonetheless, my little teacher who reminds me that it’s okay to be completely unorganized, yet be happy & accomplished when the day ends.

Those tiny hands that goes up immediately asking to be carried the moment I alight myself in the Kitchen. Those poop times of her that refuses to wait any longer the moment my hands decide to feed my longing tummy ?. Those trampoline jumps that tempts her the most the moment I lay my back on the Cot after a tiring day. Yet in all these, she reminds me of how a loving soul longs for my attention.

Here’s my say to my little darling Love “Nerthi”… All that this momma wants to tell you is, You will forever be our source of enormous pride & unquenchable Joy.

You must forever Stand Tall, Clothing yourself with Dignity, Fuelled with God’s love in your heart reaching out to the unreachable and be Powered by His Divine Grace.

Remember, you will never be alone seeking for love, because we are connected by the strongest bond ever.

To us, Daddy and Mommy, you are a Divine Purpose clothed in Tiny Flesh ❤️❤️

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Stella Sherpa
Stella Sherpa
4 years ago

So nice. Beautiful. She can speak now… Lovely. She is indeed beautiful and perfect you and sir.

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Stella Sherpa

Thank you so much Stella Sherpa Sis ?.. Oh yes she speaks ?

Amudha Durai
Amudha Durai
4 years ago

Beautifully written Sheeba.. Loved it! God bless you..

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Amudha Durai

Thank you very much Ammu Akka for always motivating ?

4 years ago

Excellent rendering about your treasure,Preethi. I could literally picturize when I read through it…

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Anita

Thank you so much Anita Sis for liking it and sending kind words ?

4 years ago

She is really beautiful and perfect in your life.I can feel your love in these phrases. Gift of God is true from nerthi smile

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Naanchy

Thank you so much Naancy. Indeed she is a beautiful gift and treasure to us ?

4 years ago

This is such a beautiful love letter ?

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Stephina

Thank you my Darling little Sis❤️

Sathya Easwaran
Sathya Easwaran
4 years ago

its so beautifully expressed poem, which expresses the love within the family forever 🙂

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago

Thank you so much Sathya Sis ?

4 years ago

Beautifully expressed akka

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Renu

Thank you very much Renu ?

4 years ago

Beautiful! What a blessing from God.

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Lynda

Thank you very much Lynda. Yes she is a blessing indeed ❤️

4 years ago

Lovely Akka

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Senthil

Thank you so much thambi ?

Latha C
Latha C
4 years ago

Beautiful ? aka. This little munchkin will surprise you a lot by knowing Momma’s love.

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago
Reply to  Latha C

Thank you so much dear ?

About Us

About Me
We are 3 and we named ourselves as “The Daniels”.The Big D – Daniel Jacob, The Associate D – Preethi Daniel and our little combo – Nerthi Daniel.Nerthi means Beautiful & Perfect.

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