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We are 3 and we named ourselves as “The Daniels”.The Big D – Daniel Jacob, The Associate D – Preethi Daniel and our little combo – Nerthi Daniel.Nerthi means Beautiful & Perfect.

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Beautiful & Perfect.
A Ray of Hope to the Hopeless

A Ray of Hope to the Hopeless

As I was tending the needy street dwellers, the heart wrenching question of “what would be the plight of us when we die unclaimed on the streets? ” was a million dollar question raised by the abandoned dying ones, that made Khaalid Ahmed, the man of action to the most rarest service a person can ever do.

While most of us think angels are dressed in White, it would be news that Angels do dress in Black.

An angel to so many untouchable destitute living in the final days of their life; A son, a sibling, a friend and someone more than what mere words can ever describe, is who Khaalid is – An angel among us, who has the most benevolent heart to give a dignified final goodbye to so many people yearning for love, but just have none in their life to inquire about them, to claim them or even to shed a tear for them as they leave the world with no trace of their evolution or felt no reason for their existence.

What amazed me was, while the youth of this era have so much more to choose on what to do with what they have. This young man in his mid 20s chose to remove worms & maggots from rotten body parts of un-cared street dwellers, give them a bath, dress them, cleanup their wounds, fund them for treatment, to show them love and to move them to shelter homes.

Every time I wonder how he does this, He says “Akka, it’s breaks my heart to see or hear them cry”

Uravugal Trust birthed by Khaalid Ahmed, has till date made more than 800 odd burials and has been care givers to uncountable street people.

His dignified burials have been for those who had been unclaimed, those who don’t have the provision to do the last rites and even to those who die in this land while not being in a position to be transported to their own state due to lack of time with the existing body condition. The most painful ones are those that are too tiny to carry, yet being the most heaviest in every way.

While recollecting an FB post on Khaalid carrying a new born in his hands before laying the little one to rest, I asked “Thambi, wont it be hard even to eat of sleep after doing such a job?” Khaalid recollects, Akka, definitely it breaks to do this kind of job, even when done countless times but if I don’t do it, they will be no one to do it at that time.

It used to be very hard, there are numerous times I have wept in secret of the unfortunate state of dying, I clean the body from its oozing blood, pack the body neatly and have given them a dignified burial.

He went on to add saying, from my very young age, I had been inquisitive of what happens in a mortuary and once ended up being inside watching and then ended up doing what was needed at the moment.

It is not an easy task even while there are few who can appreciate and praise at the same time a lot more on the other side who feels harder to live closer to someone as me, who does a scary task as this.

A single call that needs your presence without an option of getting it postponed, the need to be present right at the moment irrespective of what time the need arises is what the selfless task of this precious young man demands.

If there are few people who could ever make us feel so small, one is undoubtedly our precious little brother “Khaalid Ahmed”

You truly showed the world that “Every beautiful & kind deed doesn’t need a perfect person to deliver it but just needs a loving & tender heart that yearns to go an extra mile to serve unconditionally.

Khaalid, You are truly an angel in the disguise of Man. We salute you for who you really are inside out Thambi.

Let your tribe multiply and replenish the world. Long Live.

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4 years ago

May almighty bless them…Khalid and team

The Love Doctor
The Love Doctor
4 years ago

Seldom I run out of words and start buffering and that happened now. Truely a noble deed you and your trust involved in giving the best good byes to unknown ones because everyone deserves it. You are truley respecting the God’s image and paying the last respect for it and you will be blessed beyond measure. The beauty of it is your humbleness and modesty.
God bless your deeds and you continue to say the respectful goodbyes.

Preethi Daniel
Preethi Daniel
4 years ago

Very rightly said Anna.

4 years ago

God bless you and your team

About Us

About Me
We are 3 and we named ourselves as “The Daniels”.The Big D – Daniel Jacob, The Associate D – Preethi Daniel and our little combo – Nerthi Daniel.Nerthi means Beautiful & Perfect.

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