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Abuse Thrives in Silence

Abuse Thrives in Silence

One thing that has been disturbing me for quite a long time is the news we hear about Domestic Violence and Abuse, especially more during this time of Lockdown.

And what disturbs me all the more is the silence these are subjected to, due to numerous reasons which keeps women inside a shell.

It’s all the more confusing when she struggles to identify the pattern of the abuser. What I mean by the pattern of the abuser is his apologetic and loving nature that alight in-between the episodes of abuse that makes most of the women feel harder to leave.

In simple, it is a kind of a psychological trap, disguised as Love.

Remember it is not just your life that is at risk when you are in a toxic, draining & abusive relationship but you tend to put others around you who are in a closer proximity as well at risk, most importantly your children. What adds to risk is, the risk of your own life, physical hurt and by large the emotional toil that leads to depression.

With all toxic experience you undergo, you tend to exhaust your energy that you need to have for your children, you get super irritated even with their most adorable childish acts that they do which you would eventually miss to see when they grow up a little more. You forget what you love doing, you start losing interest in what energized you once, it makes you defocused on realizing your purpose and you even would start questioning about your very existence.

Most women mistakenly think that they are unique and alone in this situation. The next thing is that they keep hoping that the situation will improve.

But, I tell you, Abuse thrives only in Silence.

Especially, in India, it is completely normal to feel that abstaining from trusting a Judicial System is a better choice.  However, the first step is to voice out the emotional and physical trauma that a woman goes through with a very trusted source that will assist in restoring herself. All it requires on the other side is a heart that listens without forcing opinions and judgments. That is when a hurt soul begins to move towards Restoration.

Well, what it does to you when you share your story is, it allows yourself to express the pain that have been through making yourself to acknowledge that you have undergone pain which is the primary step to arise from the debris.

At the same time, by doing this, you give power to other fellow women too to share their stories, thus forming a safe community of caring and sharing.

So, let not your silence help abuse thrive. Let your voices be heard in such a way that, you are safe as you share and you save the other when you hear.

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A navanitha
A navanitha
4 years ago

Good write up! Women should stand up against such abuses.. atleast for the sake of the generations to come.. things will gradually change but we need to give it a start right now..

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We are 3 and we named ourselves as “The Daniels”.The Big D – Daniel Jacob, The Associate D – Preethi Daniel and our little combo – Nerthi Daniel.Nerthi means Beautiful & Perfect.

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